Create a Power of Attorney for a CVR number
Denne vejledning hjælper dig med at oprette en erhvervsfuldmagt i MitID Erhverv
Før du starter:
- You’ll need your private MitID to log in. Your private MitID is only used to confirm your identity and won’t be shared with others.
- You need to be an organization administrator. You can check if you have the correct role by logging into MitID Erhverv and finding yourself under “Users.”
- You will need the CVR number of the organization to which you want to grant power of attorney.
Keepers CVR Number: 36079886
Step-by-Step instructions:
1. Select "Power of Attorney" in the MitID Erhverv menu.
2. In the displayed overview, you can see: Received Powers of Attorney and Issued Powers of Attorney. In the “Tasks” menu, select "Create Business Power of Attorney." A new page will open.
3. Choose the recipient of the power of attorney. Enter the CVR number of the other organization that will receive the power of attorney, then select "Fetch Data."
4. Under "Power of Attorney Granted To," confirm that the correct organization is listed. You can now name the power of attorney by filling out the main data field.
5. You can now assign rights to the power of attorney. Select "Assign Rights." The page “Assign Rights to User Group” will open.
6. Check the boxes for the rights you want to grant the other organization on behalf of your organization. Choose "Assign."
- Look under "Personnel & Finance."
7. In the Power of Attorney overview, you will now see the rights you have assigned to the other organization.
8. (Optional) Choose whether to limit the power of attorney to a P-number. Select "Approve."
9. (Optional) Choose whether to limit the power of attorney to an SE number. Select "Approve."
10. You will receive a notification that the power of attorney has been created, after which you should contact Keepers to inform them.